California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
The CSF application is now available and is due Wednesday Jan. 29 , 2025. Your $10 dues can be paid at the Beyer Student Store.
Due Date is January 29, 2025

Students earning Life Membership, earn the right to have the CSF Gold Seal emblazoned on their diploma and wear a white robe with a gold stole and cord at graduation symbolizing this honorable distinction.
In order to become a CSF member, the student must submit an application at the beginning of each semester reflecting the previous semester’s grades. To secure eligibility for California Scholastic Federation membership, a student must earn sufficient points from the pre-approved course list made available on the Beyer CSF application. Your membership is neither automatic, compulsory, nor retroactive. You must apply for membership each semester by the published cutoff date.
Students achieve Life Membership (Seal Bearer) by qualifying four of the last six semesters of their high school career (grades 10, 11, and 12), and one of the qualifying semesters must be during the senior year. Students who meet this qualification will earn the CSF Gold Seal on their diploma and wear white robes and gold cords during the graduation ceremony. CSF honorary membership may be obtained based on Semester 1 and 2 grades during the Freshman year.