One of the responsibilities of each student is to be in the classroom in his/her seat or work station when the bell rings or when class is to begin. Being tardy is irresponsible behavior because it is disruptive to the learning process. Students who are late to class will receive progressive discipline steps per the MCS Student Conduct Code. Our goal is to ensure that all students are in class on time and not missing valuable classroom instruction.
In a continuing effort to protect and honor classroom instruction time and to ensure that students remain in class for instruction, beginning Monday, April 4th the campus supervisors will be issuing tardy slips to students who are in the hallways after the tardy bell has rung. This will happen every period of every day until the last day of school. Also beginning on 4/4/16, students who are out of class on a bathroom pass or a locker pass and are texting/talking on their cellphones will receive a cellphone violation from campus supervisors. Students in the halls on bathroom / locker passes should quickly take care of business and immediately return to the classroom for instruction. Students violating this policy will be directed to the Student Supervision Office to turn in their cellphone. The first offense of a cellphone violation results in a warning and he student may pick up their cellphone after school. Subsequent cellphone violations result in detentions and require parent pick up of the cellphones. Cellphone use is prohibited during class time however, students may use their phones during the passing periods, before/after school and during lunch.