World Languages Offered at Beyer


Mexican flag

Why study Spanish?

If you speak Spanish, you can communicate with almost 500 million people worldwide. It is the second most common language in the United States and third most commonly spoken language in the world after Mandarin Chinese and English. 

Studying Spanish helps you to:

  • Understand culture – The Spanish-speaking world is rich in music, food, art, literature, history, and everyday traditions.  Learning about culture helps you understand other people’s perspectives, patterns of behavior, and contributions to the world at large.

  • Expand career opportunities – Your career options expand as businesses in the twenty-first century look for employees who can communicate in Spanish.

  • Enjoy your Spanish experience – Climb the Incan ruins of Machu Picchu.  Volunteer to build a school in Mexico.  Enjoy a meal at a Mexican restaurant.  Speaking Spanish enriches your experience whether at home or in another country.

  • Improve your language skills – Studying Spanish improves your first-language skills: vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing.  Research shows your test scores may improve!